
Balancing Risk, Return and Liquidity


Deciding that you would like to invest is often the easy part; knowing how to quantify risk and choose from hundreds of investment strategies is harder. At Ambrose Clayton, we apply a consistent framework to help identify your investment goals and appropriate solutions.

We can structure a diversified portfolio for you that balances investment potential with an appropriate level of risk. Growing the value of your portfolio, keeping ahead of inflation and managing the ups and downs of stock markets involves blending a range of investments from around the world. Where clients have a specific area they would like to invest in or sector they wish to research, we can access industry-leading research technology to help you make an informed choice.

Additionally, Ambrose Clayton has built an extensive network of trusted organisations and individuals who have different investment opportunities on offer. These opportunities can range from real estate joint ventures to owning a stake in a bar/restaurant chain or even a dental corporate. Ultimately, we are here to ensure that 1) the investment has upside potential 2) all risks have been considered and weighted in line with your portfolio objectives. Please note that these opportunities are not appropriate for all investors.

Some of our investment strategies include:

  • Bespoke Discretionary Fund Management
  • Model Portfolio Management
  • Structured Products
  • Guaranteed Funds
  • Venture Capital Trusts
  • Enterprise Investment Schemes
  • ISAs
  • Corporate Investments


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Get in touch with one of our Advice Managers now.

No charges for the initial meeting to discuss your individual circumstances and objectives.

No obligation to take any of our services or products.

Before any services or products are provided to you we will explain what advice we can give and what products and services this covers, and any advice or product charges that apply and agree these with you.

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+44 0203 841 6881

You can call us to arrange an appointment or ask a question.

Lines are open Monday to Friday from 09:00 am to 17:00 pm. Excluding Bank Holidays. Call cost may vary depending on your service provider.